Books by Roger Tregear
I spend my working life talking, consulting, thinking, presenting, and writing about the analysis, innovation, improvement, and management of business processes.
The key elements of effective process-based management.
This book provides a portal into a significant body of knowledge about Roger’s proven approach to process-based management. The elements described are the tools, approaches, and constructs that efficiently and safely improve and sustain organizational performance.
They define the pieces of the puzzle, the components of the system, that come together to create a practical method for incremental, safe, and self-supporting operation of process-based management in any organization.
Also available as a free PDF download.
Process Provocations
Process Provocations. Free to download. Designed to provoke.
I want to offer solutions, not new problems. I’ve spent 20 years bringing practical simplicity to business process management, avoiding making management more complex.
One result of that is a set of aphorisms, a series of memes, that seek to expose, explain, encourage, and provoke. Along with an extended discussion of each, these evocations have been collected in a new e-book, Process Provocations. Each page discusses one process-based management perspective, each perspective reflecting the intersection of many ideas.
WARNING: they have been framed to provoke thought, discussion, debate, perhaps constructive disagreement, maybe even agreement!
Process Precepts
Throughout 2016 Roger made a weekly post to LinkedIn under the collective title, Process Precepts. These were brief commentaries of many aspects of process-based management.
The 52 posts are collected into this book, Process Precepts, along with the further thoughts of a panel of practitioners, academics, and consultants from across the world. Process Precepts was published in 2017.
The 16 commentators are from many industries, cultures, roles, and backgrounds ensuring that the combination of the original precepts with the additional commentaries provides a unique insight into the process of management. The resulting conversations deal with the realities of process-base management, and form an eclectic collection of ideas that respond to the original posts in a variety of interesting ways.
Reimagining Management
Reimagining Management provides a straightforward, practical explanation of the theory, practice, and benefits of process-based management. It introduces the concepts of 7Enablers and Tregear Circles as part of a practical framework for the positive and controlled evolution of management practice; an approach to management that focuses on creation, accumulation, and delivery of value to customers and other stakeholders.
Reviewers from across the globe have praised Reimagining Management as a ‘superb reference book that shows how to establish and implement BPM in any organization’ and a ‘modern classic for the BPM space!’ The breakthrough impact of the book has been recognized in review comments such as: ‘Roger has unlocked the mystery of business process management’, and ‘Reimagining Management defines the missing link’, and finally ‘This book is a must for any leader wanting to reframe, enrich, and refocus management to get different results.’
Questioning BPM?
Another book on BPM? Howard Smith, coauthor of Business Process Management: The Third Wave, says “Yes! Because it is important to hear the distinct perspectives of experts and users as the field matures. This book has given us much to absorb.”
The editors invited process practitioners, vendors, authors, academics, and consultants from around the world to answer 15 key questions. 31 thought leaders across the spectrum of process views and approaches responded magnificently with 109 answers.
This book will make you think. Answers to the same question will be different, often very different, and occasionally they are quite contradictory. In this book, you will not find a definitive, one best answer. You will find different answers argued convincingly by people who believe passionately in their BPM worldview. Each of us needs to make our own choices and determine our own answers.
The Handbook on Business Process Management
The Handbook on Business Process Management is a two-volume compendium of papers covering the wide expanse of the theory and practice of process.
Roger Tregear’s chapter, titled Business Process Standardization, addresses the complex of issues around process standardization within single organizations and across groups of organizations, in both local and dispersed locations.
A global BPM framework is described that facilitates management of the conflicting demands of standardization for global efficiency versus variation for local effectiveness.
The framework provides a solid basis for modeling, communicating, analyzing, testing, proving, controlling, and managing the potential costs and benefits of global consistency versus local relevance.
Establishing the Office of Business Process Management
This book provides guidance about designing, building, operating, and transferring the knowledge, tools, and infrastructure required to enable a process-centric organization. It outlines how the Office of BPM (aka OBPM, Center of Excellence, Center of Expertise, BPM Office etc.) galvanizes interest and action and provides a mechanism for effective control and support of process initiatives.
Strategic and operational needs for the OBPM are discussed in detail along with practical advice about support services offered, development of capabilities, and overall office management. This book is an excellent resource for those involved in providing process management support services.
The Office of BPM is the practical control point for the support enabler outlined in the 7Enablers of BPM.
Most of my books are available for purchase in my online shop. To enquire about purchasing in bulk, contact me on the numbers below, or via my contact page.